Friday 29 June 2012

Hewa: the addendum

Well, that pretty much sums it up for Hewa.  OK, not really.  I could write a book about our adventure.  But 5 chapters is enough... until the next time!

Will there be a next time?  We sure hope so.  Matthew and Becky would like to return to both Fiyowana and Yififiki to continue training in community based health care.  Right now that would mean a two day hike from the airstrip to Yififiki, or they could wait for a couple of years until the new one is completed.  If God wills, He will make a way.

I want to share a couple of other links with you.  Dr. Allan has also posted some blogs about the trip.  I know you will enjoy reading from his perspective.  Be sure to read the one about Tiger the missionary cat and our foot washing, since I didn't have time to write about those stories.

BTW, for those of your who are interested... the Hewa tribe was the filming site for the last episode of Survivorman.  I haven't see it but I am told that Survivorman didn't actually "survive", that he abandoned his adventure a few days early.  Too bad he didn't have the Kopfs and the people of Yififiki to take care of him.  He certainly would have more than survived.

So I'll close this addendum with a photo the last day in Hewa.  What a great group!

P.S.  Can you find Waldo?  I think he is in there somewhere.

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